Annual Reports (College)

Annual Reports of the College of Coastal Georgia. Other names of the college were Brunswick College, Brunswick Junior College and Coastal Georgia Community College.

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    Annual report of institutional progress, 2002-2003 : Coastal Georgia Community College
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 2003-06-30) Lord, Dorothy L.; College of Coastal Georgia. Office of the President.
    A: SUMMARY OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE PRECEDING YEAR -- B: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNING -- C: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN ASSESSING INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS -- SECTION D: RETENTION RATES AND GRADUATION/TRANSFER RATES -- E. OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH -- Knowledge Is Power Event and Chancellor's Campus Visit -- The President made approximately 40 speeches in the region during the past year. -- Through the efforts of a new faculty member, major improvements have been made in the instructional program in Art. -- New fully on-line courses. More than half of the faculty are now using products such as WEB CT and WEB Assign to enhance instruction in and out of the classroom. -- Major improvements in International Studies. The highlight of the year for the college was the presence of a Fulbright Scholar in Residence from Argentina who taught history classes -- The Associate degree nursing program underwent reaccreditation review -- conversion of the campus network backbone to Gigabit technology. An application systems analyst was added to the computer services staff - This position made a very strong impact in resolving many long standing technology issues. During 2002-2003 the college website received a major revision and upgrade. -- During 2002-2003 the library conducted a complete inventory of the library collection. Preliminary indications are that many of the volumes are old and may be of limited usefulness at the current time. -- The Brunswick Center consortium of CGCC, Armstrong Atlantic State University and Georgia Southern University, produced 66 graduates at the baccalaureate level and 51 graduates at the masters level. -- Construction continued on the 93,000 square foot Camden Center facility in Kingsland. preparation of an architectural program for a new $20,000,000 technology/student services complex known as the Gateway Project. 87,248 gross square feet. -- The [University System of Georgia] Board of Regents adopted a new Strategic Plan in 2002. One of the initiatives and goals of the plan addressed ways to increase student retention. A target retention rate of 58.58% to be reached by 2007. RETENTION PLAN. -- African American faculty remained almost nonexistent in the employment pool, despite extraordinary efforts in trying to attract them. -- The instructional space available for technical programs continues to be extremely inadequate. -- The greatest concerns at the moment center around staffing for the Camden Center and staff morale in general.
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    Annual report of institutional progress, 1998-1999 : Coastal Georgia Community College
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 1999-06-30) Lord, Dorothy L.; College of Coastal Georgia. Office of the President.
    A. Summary of Major Institutional Accomplishments -- B. Annual Progress in Institutional Strategic Planning -- C. Annual Progress in Assessing Institutional Effectiveness -- D. Retention -- E. Overall Institutional Health -- ..................... CONNECTIONS WITH K-12 SCHOOLS. Work of Coastal Georgia Community College P-16 Council. The Academic Bowl continued to be a very successful linkage activity with area high schools.The Postsecondary Readiness Enrichment Program (PREP) at CGCC had a most successful year. (Homework ceners). Development of visiona and goals for a quality workforce -- INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION: During this year the DTAE sponsored New Connections to Work and the Georgia Fatherhood programs continued as a local application of the statewide collaboration of the Departments of Labor, Human Resources, and the DTAE. -- CONNECTING STUDENTS AND TECHNOLOGY: Students are registered in remote locations resulting in registration without lines. Student e-mail has consistently grown in popularity and use. new Interconnected Library System. -- INTERINSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION. The Brunswick Center consortium (CGCC, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Georgia Southern University) completed its thirteenth year of operation. The Liberty Center consortium opened in 1998 -- MODEL NATIONAL CALIBER PROGRAMS. Coastal Georgia Minority Outreach Program. Academic Advising Center. -- MANDALA MOVEMENT. facilitate the development of an environment of understanding, acceptance, and respect that actively supports and celebrates both unity and diversity. Society's broadening view of civil rights -- Physical facilities master planning was begun -- This year was one of the two toughest years experienced during this president's tenure. Semester conversion brought severe financial results for the institution. -- ENHANCING WORKFORCE PREPARATION FOR EMPLOYMENT. Radiologic Science Program had 100 percent placement of graduates. IBM AS/400 computing partnership with two major local employers continued. Quick Start owned state certification programs in Customer Service and Manufacturing were offered with good success. Manufacturing Maintenance Technology program closely aligned with the needs of the paper and pulp industry. USE OF LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY: usage of GALILEO. Phase I status for implementation of the Georgia Interconnected Libraries (GIL) project. Many computers both at the Camden Center and at the main campus were replaced with Y2K compliant computers. -- FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICE -- With strategic planning being an on-going process, a majority of the previous 64 goals were achieved during 1996-97 and 1997-98 with most of the goals continuing from year to year. -- Coastal Georgia Community College has accepted eight general education outcomes. The transfer program assessment results continue to be outstanding. Pass rates on national licensure and certifying exams for registered nursing, practical nursing, medical lab technology and radiologic science students continue to be excellent. -- CHANGES MADE IN RESPONSE TO THE 1997 STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY
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    Annual report of institutional progress, 1999-2000 : Coastal Georgia Community College
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 2000-06-30) Lord, Dorothy L.; College of Coastal Georgia. Office of the President.
    A: SUMMARY OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE PRECEDING YEAR -- B: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNING -- C: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN ASSESSING INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS -- SECTION D: RETENTION RATES AND GRADUATION/TRANSFER RATES -- E. OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH -- The master planning process continued over the entire fiscal year. The major areas addressed in the master plan included the college, mission, and goals; existing campus conditions; future campus requirements; alternative concepts; the preferred master plan; and cost estimates. FACILITY PLANNING FOR PERMANENT CAMDEN RESIDENCE CENTER. -- The all engaging process of institutional self-study in preparation for reaffirmation of accreditation continued for the full academic year. -- CONNECTIONS WITH K-12 SCHOOL: two major goals: improvement of student achievement for postsecondary education and for employment and improvement of parental involvement with schools. -- The health programs continue to have strong enrollment with a waiting list for admission to the nursing programs both in Brunswick and in the Savannah distance learning cluster. Demand is significantly increasing for registered nurses throughout the region and site expansion of the distance learning outreach to the Savannah region is being considered. -- Quick Start programs: an on-site industry program at a large seafood processing industry; Emergency Medical Technician program -- strong 92% participation in giving rate from college employees and retirees. approximately $628,000 for the year. -- PeopleSoft Implementation All business office staff participated in extensive PeopleSoft training activities. -- In 1999-2000 the college focused on achieving the thirteen strategic planning priorities adopted as part of the 1995 revision of the college's mission statement. Six remaining new goals were not achieved due to the lack of funds. -- CGCC volunteered to participate in the First Year Experience Project funded for the USG by the Pew Charitable Trust because of institutional concerns centering on low retention and graduation rates. -- The institution's overall fiscal health has not recovered from the results of semester conversion. Students continue to strongly resist taking a full load on the semester calendar. Major recruitment efforts to attract new students to replace the lost EFT have brought only limited results because of the pervasive low average student load. As reflected in the Benchmarking Project, CGCC has the highest percentage of part-time enrollment and the highest average age of any System institution. -- faculty have felt a sense of overload. problems with the BANNER student information system. problem is beyond the capability of computer services personnel and the level of cooperation between functional users and the computer services personnel has suffered as a result of these unresolved problems.
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    Annual report of institutional progress, 1997-1998 : Coastal Georgia Community College
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 1998-06-30) Lord, Dorothy L.; College of Coastal Georgia. Office of the President.
    A. Summary of Major Institutional Accomplishments -- B. Annual Progress in Institutional Strategic Planning -- C. Annual Progress in Assessing Institutional Effectiveness -- D. Overall Institutional Health -- E. ACT Student Statisfacation Survey Financial Report -- Linkage Activities with Schools -- Implementation of Faculty and Staff Development Policy Directives -- Interinstitutional Collaboration: A collaborative program was begun with Armstrong Atlantic State University (AASU) -- The Brunswick Center continued its 15 year history of successful collaboration -- Enhancing Workforce Preparation for Employment -- Use of Technology: The GALILEO system increased 41% in volume of use, and the personal computers maintained for library patrons are universally busy. -- BANNER continues to be a success story at CGCC. -- National Leadership: Seaswells, National Academic Advisement Association, Phi Theta Kappa, National Institute for Leadership Development, men's tennis team, award made to black women community leaders from Quaker Brands and the National Council of Negro Women, President Dorothy L. Lord.
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    Annual report of institutional progress, 2005-2006 : Coastal Georgia Community College
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 2006-06-30) Lord, Dorothy L.; College of Coastal Georgia. Office of the President.
    A: SUMMARY OF MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 2005-2006 -- B: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNING -- C: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN ASSESSING INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS -- D: IMPROVING STUDENT RETENTION AND GRADUATION -- E. MANAGEMENT OF CAMPUS CONFLICT AND CHANGE -- F. OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH -- The productivity of the Brunswick Center (University Center) has greatly reduced the extent of the teacher shortage in the several counties from which these students come. The Brunswick Center provides both the baccalaureate and the master's degree in Nursing addressing a second Georgia critical shortage field of study. -- CGCC is one of the main participants in the Partnership for Reform in Science and Math (PRISM) -- Charter Technical High School dual enrollment program continues to develop. Mclntosh Workforce Center developing for dual enrollment. -- online course offerings develop -- eighteen new full-time faculty were hired. -- Collaboration with the local Three Rivers Public Library System. GIL (Georgia Interconnected Libraries) has expanded to include DTAE institutions. -- A full report of strategies for retention was developed by a broad-based campus committee. for first time, full-time students indicates that very positive progress has been made in retention. A particular point of pride is the improvement accomplished for African American male students with a gain of approximately 20% in retention of that segment! -- Migration from a manual system for HOPE applications to the automated GAcollege 411 system -- CGCC refined and submitted the Academic/Technology Building as a $19,928,000 Major Capital Project in March 2006. -- The 2002-2007 Strategic Plan of the Board of Regents identified eleven goal statements supporting the unified theme of "a more educated Georgia." Coastal Georgia Community College continued to support the Board of Regents Strategic Plan with the institution's thirteen linked strategic planning priorities. twelve new goals. -- During the 2005-2006 fiscal year, Coastal Georgia Community College made several improvements in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program. -- frequent complaints about perceived overwork -- The financial health of Coastal Georgia Community College is excellent. -- The financial position of the Coastal Georgia Community College Foundation continues to improve. Total assets have grown from $3,147,000 to $7,994,000 in just the past two and onehalf years. -- e-mail is prevalent form of communication, but not accepted by all.
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