CCGA Foundation - annual reports

Foundation Annual Reports include:

1. Agenda of Meeting

2. General Information (facts about the college)

3. Minutes of the previous year's Foundation Annual meeting

4. Scholarship and Loan recipients information along with Scholarship Committee minutes

5. Financial Reports and Finance Committee meeting

6. Highlights (of the previous year)

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    Annual Report, 2011
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 2011) College of Coastal Georgia Foundation
    Letter from the Chairman and the President--Building a Foundation--College of Coastal Georgia Trustees--About the College of Coastal Georgia--New Era Begins: Coastal Georgia as a Residential Campus--2011 Happenings--Alumni Association becomes Reality--Community Partnerships--Endowed Scholarship in Entrepreneurship--Judith A. Bodolay Scholarship--Gerald A. Zell Nursing Scholarship
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    Annual Report, 2005
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 2005) College of Coastal Georgia Foundation
    House Bill 340, Senate Bill 250, Georgia Education Authority, study abroad, Gateway Project, Adult Literacy program, Latin American Resource Center, Student Information Center, eCOMPASS, Coastal Georgia Minority Outreach Project, Wal-Mart "My Education Connection"
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    Annual Report, 1969-1971
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 1971) College of Coastal Georgia Foundation; Brunswick College Foundation
    CONTENTS: FOUNDATION MEETING MINUTES, CALLED MEETING AGENDA, ANNUAL MEETING AGENDAS, PETITION FOR INCORPORATION, FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES, PROPOSAL FOR SCHOLARSHIPS, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, REPORT ON FINANCIAL AID (1969-1970), FINANCIAL AID SUMMARY -- 1968 MEETING MINUTES: Adoption of the By-Laws, election of officers, election of the trustees. -- 1968 CALLED MEETING MINUTES: Discussion over the specific aims and purposes for the Brunswick College Foundation including the establishment of a scholarship/loan fund – 1969 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: Campus building program report, anticipated enrollment, progress report of the scholarship/loan drive, amendment to the By-Laws, re-election of trustees and officers, appointment of a committee to explore Fine Arts/Civic Center feasibility – 1970 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: Progress report on campus construction (student center, library, warehouse/shop building), fund campaign plans, future plans for library-administration building, future expansion, re-election of trustees, re-election of officers – 1971 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: progress report on campus activities, placement of the Cates Collection in the new Clara Wood Gould Memorial Library, status of construction on campus, upcoming visit from the Southern Association of College and Schools, fund campaign status, comments on scholarship/loan report, re-election of officers, re-election of trustees
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    Annual Report, 1972
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 1972) College of Coastal Georgia Foundation; Brunswick College Foundation
    Contents: Financial Aid Summary, Annual Meeting Agenda, Annual Meeting Minutes, Financial Report, Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Financial Aid Summary -- 1972 Annual Meeting Minutes: Progress report on campus activities, new campus facilities (new Student Center, Coffin Building, library), reaffirmation of accreditation, enrollment numbers, new vocational/tech programs, presentation of the financial report, presentation of the Nominating Committee report, financial aid summary report, naming of the Student Center, Fine Arts/Civic Center development, discussion over the need for a new Science Center
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    Annual Report, 1973
    (College of Coastal Georgia, 1973) College of Coastal Georgia Foundation; Brunswick College Foundation
    Contents: Annual Meeting Agenda, Annual Meeting Minutes, Memorandum Regarding the need for discretionary funds, Foundation Finance Meeting Minutes, Financial Report, Financial Aid Summary -- 1973 Annual Meeting Minutes: Progress report on campus activities, plans for new Vocational/Technical Building and Science/Classroom Building, discussion on the possibility of dormitories, new associate degree programs, financial report presentation, Nominating Committee report, presentation of scholarship/loan fund report, discussion of $15,000 goal set by the Campaign Committee, future expansion of the campus, appointment of 1973 Spring Campaign Fund Committee
All items in the repository are protected by copyright; they may be used for educational purposes with proper attribution. All other uses require the author's permission.