Annual Report,1994
Issue Date
Annual Report
Brunswick College , Brunswick College Foundation , College of Coastal Georgia , College of Coastal Georgia Foundation
Alternative Title
Contents: Annual Meeting Agenda, Fact Sheet (History, Students, Faculty and Staff, Budget and Finances, 1993-94, Economic Impact on Area, 1992-93, Physical Plant, Library, Degree and Certificate programs available 1994-95), Scholarship Report, Financial Report, Highlights of 1993-1994, 1993 Annual Meeting Minutes: Treasurer’s Report, Investment Report, Annual Fund Drive Update, Report from the President. – HIGHLIGHTS: In fall 1993 workshops for professional development were scheduled for all faculty, staff, and administration addressing Diversity in the Workplace. The Omicron Omega chapter of Phi Theta Kappa received national recognition as a Distinguished Chapter placing eleventh in the nation in overall achievement. The President was invited to make a special presentation to the Board of Regents regarding the collaborative efforts between Brunswick College, Armstrong State College, and Georgia Southern University in Fall 1993. A coordinated approach to involving the total campus in an Open House for the public and a targeted approach for student organizations resulted in the first ever Family "Fun" Day. The Brunswick College Literary Magazine received the most outstanding commendations available for the publication of the campus literary magazine, SEASWELLS.
College of Coastal Georgia