Annual Report, 2003
Issue Date
Annual Report
College of Coastal Georgia , Coastal Georgia Community College
Alternative Title
CONTENTS: ANNUAL MEETING, FACT SHEET (HISTORY, STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF, BUDGET AND FINANCES 2002-2003, PHYSICAL PLANT, LIBRARY, TRANSFER ASSOCIATE PROGRAMS, CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS, ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, MEETING MINUTES, SCHOLARSHIP REPORT, ENROLLMENT STATISTICS, FINANCIAL REPORT, FY 2002 HIGHLIGHTS – APRIL 30, 2002 MINUTES: Technical College Program update, Allied Health and Nursing programs enrollment and statistics, Business and Industry programs enrollment and statistics, Financial Report, Faculty Development Funds, Update on Compton Lecture Event, Election of New Foundation Members, Update from the President (budget, Camden Center, Bailey Grant Proposal, Graduation, Vice President Search, Chancellor’s Visit, Enrollment). – JUNE 3, 2002 MINUTES: Scholarship Information, Fund Raising, Financial Report, President’s Report (Adult Literacy Program, Capital Outlay Needs, Special Needs of CGCC, major gifts to the college, accreditation visits, CGCC student profile. – AUGUST 27, 2002 MINUTES: Financial report, New board members, A-Day (October 23, 2002), Compton Event (February 20, 2003), Fundraising Experiences in Our Community, Remarks from the President, Office of Education Accountability “Report Card” Review – December 4, 2002 MINUTES: Election of New Members, Financial Report, A-Day Report, Compton Event (February 20, 2003), Remarks from the President. – HIGHLIGHTS: During 2001-2002, ten of the seventeen major strategic planning goals for the College were attained. Three college administrators participated in developing the Information and Instructional Technology Strategic Plan for the University System of Georgia. Success with new programs in Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic Technology, and Automotive Technology. Computer Information Technology Program was offered at the College's Camden Center. The Coastal Georgia Minority Outreach Project Program for the ninth year continued as a drop-out intervention program. Listing of achievements of students, recent graduates, and faculty/staff in academics and athletics. CGCC Orientation Booklet received a Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Publications from the National Academic Advising Association. The institution gained institutional reaffirmation of accreditation. Collaboration has included linkages with groups to provide wider opportunities for students and faculty to study and/or teach abroad.
College of Coastal Georgia