Annual Report, 1981
Issue Date
Annual Report
Brunswick College , Brunswick College Foundation , College of Coastal Georgia , College of Coastal Georgia Foundation
Alternative Title
CONTENTS: ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA, SUMMARY OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY BRUNSWICK COLLEGE FOUNDATION TO BRUNSWICK JUNIOR COLLEGE, FACT SHEET (HISTORY, STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF, BUDGET AND FINANCING 1980-81, ECONOMIC IMPACT ON AREA 1980-81, PHYSICAL PLANT, LIBRARY, ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMS, CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS), ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES, REPORT ON THE FINE ARTS/CIVIC CENTER PROJECT, SCHOLARSHIP/LOAN REPORT AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, COMPTON CHAIR ANNUAL REPORT, FINANCIAL REPORT AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES -- 1980 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: future enrollment, new real estate program, declining enrollment across the country, Nominating Committee recommendations for appointment, scholarship overview, report on the activities of the Compton Chair, finance overview, plans for fund raising drive, University System Board of Regents visit, lake landscaping project – COMPTON CHAIR ANNUAL REPORT: Programs for teachers (Graduate course taught for Georgia Southern, Cash Awards at the Private Enterprise Day, Frederica Academy Course, Brunswick High School Inservice Course), Programs for students (Courses at Brunswick Junior College, Compton Library, Essay Contest), Programs for the Community (Community seminar program, Entrepreneur of the Year, Other accomplishments, Upcoming events), financial data (comprehensive six year budget, 1975-1980, proposed 1981 budget), newspaper clippings, program brochures.
College of Coastal Georgia