Annual Report, 1998
Issue Date
Annual Report
College of Coastal Georgia , College of Coastal Georgia Foundation , Coastal Georgia Community College
Alternative Title
Contents: Annual Meeting Agenda, Fact Sheet (History, Students, Faculty and Staff, Budget and Finances, 1997-98, Economic Impact on Area, 1994-95, Physical Plant, Library, Degree and Certificate programs available 1995-96), Scholarship Report, Financial Report, 1996-1997, Highlights – March 4, 1998 Minutes: Barbara Bush Event update, “A Day for CGCC” plans, Annual Fund report, Compton Lecture, by-law changes, new faculty, update from Dr. Lord. -- December 3, 1997 MINUTES: campus update, Academic Building renovation, audit reviews, sale of Townsend Street building, search for new Director of Continuing Education, plans for Compton Chair Series and “A Day for Coastal Georgia Community College,” campus fund drive update -- May 20, 1997 MINUTES: Annual Fund Report, Financial Report, Investment Report, new members, Minority Outreach Program, Scholarship Committee report, Status of the College Report (Dr. Lord) -- HIGHLIGHTS: The college was the beneficiary of Equipment, Technology, and Construction Trust funds provided via the Georgia Lottery. The contract was awarded for renovating the Academic building and work was begun during 1997. The institution was the recipient of $100,000 from the Model Classroom Initiative. CGCC successfully converted to Financial Aid BANNER. CGCC's Omicron Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa received numerous international awards at its international conference. A significant increase in fundraising activities occurred with the total assets of the Coastal Georgia Community College Foundation reaching $1.7 million.
College of Coastal Georgia