Annual report of institutional progress, 2001-2002 : Coastal Georgia Community College

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Annual Report




College of Coastal Georgia , Coastal Georgia Community College

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A: SUMMARY OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE PRECEDING YEAR -- B: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNING -- C: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN ASSESSING INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS -- SECTION D: RETENTION RATES AND GRADUATION/TRANSFER RATES -- E. OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH -- Gaining institutional reaffirmation of accreditation in December 2001 without further follow-up was an outstanding feat. The recommendation regarding a full external audit of the College Foundation was completed on a timely basis with no adverse findings. As a result of Campus Master Planning which was completed and the plan accepted by the Board in Fall 2000, facility planning for the future has a more directed focus. planning for a new Technology Building to house technical and health programs and a full renovation of the existing Allied Health Building to house Student Services. -- Numerous aspects of the complicated Camden Center Project were ongoing during the year. -- During the 2001-2002 year tremendous technology impacts were experienced. -- In 2001-2002 the College Foundation raised $625,000 in restricted funds and $92,000 in unrestricted funds. -- The State Audit for 2000-2001 was completed with no exceptions or findings noted. -- The college website has been modified and redesigned to keep pace with technology and to be more user friendly. Increase in e-mail. New and simpler domain name for the College -- The Department of Continuing Education offered 389 separate courses serving 3935 enrolled students. In addition there were 239 separate events held in the Conference Center involving about 14.729 persons. Online courses were offered. -- Adult Literacy Program was transferred from the Glynn County Board of Education to the College on July 1, 2001. Of the 432 students completing the GED in the calendar year 2001, seventeen of them enrolled at the College. -- Service Learning: Students sign up for specific activities in which they are interested and volunteer their time to those organizations during the year. Students gained a strong sense of the importance and value of "giving back" to the community. -- Brunswick Center offerings which reflect the availability of eight baccalaureate degrees and several graduate degrees at CGCC from Armstrong Atlantic State University and Georgia Southern University. The Camden Center will be in a permanent facility by August 2003 -- 17 major strategic planning goals, including Seek ways to add more international focus to the college curriculum and to encourage more students and faculty to travel and study abroad; Increase admissions services; Increase the number of students returning to continuing education -- The overall institutional financial health during this year has been strong. Even with the budget reductions which occurred in 2001-2002 the College has been able to maintain financial strength. The loss of income was more than offset by increasing enrollment. The enrollment losses of the past two years have been reversed which is a very positive development. With this increase in enrollment has come more positive faculty morale. -- One of the challenges of the year was the incorporation of the Adult Literacy Program into the College -- Among the greatest challenges for institutional health are those in technology. -- A very significant challenge to institutional health is provided by an inadequate number of African American faculty. -- A continuing challenge for the college is the non-availability of really suitable space for the college's technical programs.




College of Coastal Georgia


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