Brunswick College : annual report, 1989-1990

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Teel, John W.

Issue Date



Annual Report




College of Coastal Georgia , Brunswick College

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue

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I. NARRATIVE. INTRODUCTION -- HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR'S WORK - ACADEMIC AFFAIRS (Divison of General Studies, Division of Special Programs, Division of Vocational/Technical Education, Library) -- CONTINUING EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES -- STUDENT SERVICES -- STUDENT MINORITY AFFAIRS -- FISCAL AFFAIRS AND PLANT OPERATIONS -- AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY -- INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS -- STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSE -- ACCREDITATION STATUS -- II. INSTITUTIONAL STATISTICS -- [FINANCIAL REPORT] -- The year 1989-90, marking the twenty sixth year of the college's operation, was a successful one with substantial accomplishments in many fields of endeavor. In addition to the regular on-going activities of the institution, a major thrust of institutional effort has been concentrated toward conducting an Institutional Self-Study for Reaffirmation of Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Considerable effort was devoted to student recruitment and retention, resulting in modest growth for academic and vocationaltechnical programs. -- Implementation of an online library automation system. -- In the Developmental Studies Department of the Special Programs Division", a major goal has been a follow-up of the retention of white males. -- The Continuing Education Division sponsored the first South Coastal Georgia Conference on Women's History in April. The impetus for the event was the passage of legislation in 1988 denoting April as "Women's History Month." The College, in recognition that the majority of its student currently enrolled are women, decided to recognize women's aspirations and achievements. -- Phi Theta Kappa, the campus national academic honor society, achieved the lofty level "3" status for the first time this past year. -- A new leadership development program for student government affairs was initiated in 1989-1990. -- The year 1989-90 saw a significant increase in activities designed to encourage minority students to feel a sense of involvement in the College -- The Affirmative Action Plan was rewritten in November, 1989, and submitted for approval. Analysis revealed an adequate utilization of minorities and females in all categories with the following exceptions: EEO-3 - 1 minority; EEO- 5-1 female; EEO-6 - 1 minority; and EEO-7 - 1 female. -- [Retirement of President John W. Teel (1968 - 1990)]




College of Coastal Georgia


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