Annual Report, 2006
Issue Date
Annual Report
College of Coastal Georgia , Coastal Georgia Community College
Alternative Title
CONTENTS: ANNUAL MEETING, FACT SHEET (HISTORY, STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF, BUDGET AND FINANCES 2005-2006, PHYSICAL PLANT, LIBRARY, MEETING MINUTES, SCHOLARSHIP REPORT, FINANCIAL REPORT, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT, FY 2005 HIGHLIGHTS -- MARCH 15, 2006 MINUTES: Financial report, Fundraising Update, 2NDAnnual Regents Award for Excellence in Education Celebration, Albert Crews Award, Nominating Committee, Amendment of By-Laws, Donor Appreciation Party, Approval of the Minutes, Report to the Foundation (Dr. Dorothy Lord). – NOVEMBER 29, 2005 MINUTES: Gala Foundation Event, Financial Report, Coastal Communities Foundation, Compton Event, “One Day for Higher Education,” Report to the Foundation (Dr. Dorothy Lord). – AUGUST 24, 2005 MINUTES: Investment Report, Financial Report, Annual Fund Drive 2005, Compton Event, Capital Fund Drive, Report to the Foundation (Dorothy L. Lord). – MAY 25, 2005 MINUTES: Scholarship Report, Fundraising Report, Investment Policy, Financial Report, FY 2006 Budget, Investment Report, Report to the Foundation (Dorothy L. Lord), Election of Officers, By-Laws Revisions, “A Day” Update – HIGHLIGHTS: The TRIO Student Support Services program served 164 low-income, first-generation and/or disabled students during FY 2004-2005. The Coastal Chapter of the Georgia Association of Educations (GAE), a student chapter of the GAE, was chartered on the CGCC campus in September 2004. Coastal Georgia Community College's Associate Degree Program in Nursing received a USG Intellectual Capital Partnership Program (ICAPP) Grant. Renovated a portion of the Student Center to create a Welcome Center. Student Government Association received Boyd Jones Award for "Programming Board/Student
Government Association of the Year." National recognition of faculty and staff include participation in Roosevelt Reading Festival in New York and the 2005 EVE Award in Education awarded to Dr. Lord. The college’s marketing campaign received an ADDY Award from the Savannah Advertising Federation.
College of Coastal Georgia