Annual Report, 1980
Issue Date
Annual Report
College of Coastal Georgia , College of Coastal Georgia Foundation , Brunswick College , Brunswick College Foundation
Alternative Title
CONTENTS: ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA, SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY THE BRUNSWICK COLLEGE FOUNDATION TO BRUNSWICK JUNIOR COLLEGE, FACT SHEET (HISTORY, STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF, BUDGET AND FINANCING 1979-80, ECONOMIC IMPACT ON AREA 1979-80, PHYSICAL PLANT, LIBRARY, ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMS, CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS, PETITION FOR INCORPORATION, BY-LAWS OF BRUNSWICK COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC., ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES, SCHOLARSHIP/LOAN REPORT AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES, ANNUAL REPORT: JAMES D. COMPTON CHAIR FOR THE STUDY OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, FINANCIAL REPORT AND COMMITTEE MINUTES -- 1979 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES: Sapelo Foundation donation, overview of the growth and development of the college, enrollment report, scholarship overview, Compton Chair report, Chair of Private Enterprise report, finance overview, resolution for the Compton Chair be made a permanent activity of Brunswick College, development towards fine arts/civic center facility, campus development report, recommendations for appointment – COMPTON CHAIR ANNUAL REPORT: Programs for teachers (graduate course taught at Georgia Southern, cash awards at the Private Enterprise Day, Business Attitude Survey, Plans for 1980), Programs for students (Business Attitude Survey, New course at Brunswick Junior College, James D. Compton Library, Plans for 1980), Programs for the community (Community seminar programs, program for employee economic education, plans for 1980), Other Accomplishments (Library holdings, newsletter, Published research article, students involved in consulting, plans for 1980), financial data (comprehensive five year budget, 1975-1979, proposed 1980 budget), program brochures.
College of Coastal Georgia