Annual report of institutional progress, 2000-2001 : Coastal Georgia Community College

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Lord, Dorothy L.

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Annual Report




College of Coastal Georgia , Coastal Georgia Community College

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue

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A: SUMMARY OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE PRECEDING YEAR -- B: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIC PLANNING -- C: ANNUAL PROGRESS IN ASSESSING INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS -- SECTION D: RETENTION RATES AND GRADUATION -- E. OVERALL INSTITUTIONAL HEALTH -- The year 2000-2001 was the third year in which Coastal Georgia Community College faculty, staff, and students were engaged in the institutional self-study process. The major events included publication of the final report, preparation for the site visit by the Visiting Committee, and preparation of the follow up report for the Commission on Colleges after the visit had been completed. -- The physical facilities master planning process had begun in 1999-2000 and carried forward into the 2000-2001 academic year. -- The ongoing work with the architectural firms engaged to develop the planning and construction documents for the Camden Residence Center -- Coastal Georgia Minority Outreach Program (CGMOP) continued for its ninth year during the summer of 2000. A total of 72 seventh grade African American boys were enrolled in the program. -- Several strategies have been employed during this year to improve enrollment. -- During 2000-2001 registration and other data-related student processes were almost paralyzed by the problems inherent in the BANNER Student Information System. This led to much student dissent, long lines, and other unhappiness with the institution. Special measures taken to address the issues. -- COLLABORATION WITH SECONDARY SCHOOLS: A new automotive technology program was developed. Glynn County Schools offered to transfer responsibility to CGCC for the Adult Literacy Program. All science and engineering faculty participated in the Coastal Georgia Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Local middle school students performed science experiments and viewed the night sky. -- COLLABORATION WITH BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY -- COLLABORATION WITH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM INSTITUTIONS -- TECH PREP/SCHOOL TO WORK -- PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT -- STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS -- CONTINUING EDUCATION -- During 2000-2001, all of the 17 major strategic planning goals were attained. Eight of the nine on-going goals for the College's Institutional Strategic Plan were also attained. -- The greatest challenge facing the College at this time is the management of technology. A significant challenge is posed by the seeming inability of the College to attract and employ qualified minority candidates for instructional positions. -- Improving financial position of the college with enrollment growth, and the overall improvement in morale which seems to have occurred.




College of Coastal Georgia


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